The Lucky Seven: The Grandfather’s Blades (redux)

For the second time in as many weeks I have been nominated for the Lucky Seven. This time it was Monica who tapped me on the shoulder and since the rules allow for selecting either page 7 or 77, I still had a slot open from my current WIP to share with you all.

The rules require me to post seven lines from an unpublished work of fiction by following these rules:

  • Go to page 7 or 77 in your current manuscript (fiction or non-fiction)
  • Go to line 7
  • Post the next 7 lines or sentences on your blog as they are (no cheating, please!)
  • Tag 7 other authors to do the same

Okay then, here are the 7 lines from line 7 on page 7 of my current draft for “The Grandfather’s Blades.” This scene, in the opening chapter of the book, has Craven, my main character, in the middle of his final trial before finally being allowed to leave the island where he’s spent the past ten years of his life. The challenge is called the Grande Melee and is a bit hunger games-ish but it is really interesting how timing is important. The very first incarnation of this was written way back in 1996 (you can see it at my website) but people reading it now consider it a bit derivative. Oh well, it is what it is. πŸ™‚

    He was armed with a crossbow.
    That changed things. The crossbowman was ideally placed to take a shot if the second man moved. Craven had to deal with him first. He’d never reach the second one unobserved while the first remained in place.
    The granite outcrop wasn’t far away. Using the thick jungle for cover he approached his target. It was a hard slog, and with two trained hunters so close, stealth was paramount.
    By the time he reached the base of the vine covered cliff, his heart was pounding.

This is still pretty rough. Even though I’ve been tinkering with this story for a LONG LONG time I know it still needs work.

Now, here are the seven people I’d like to pass this Lucky Seven torch to:

  1. Matthew Williams
  2. Siobhan Muir
  3. Maryellen Brady
  4. Elizabeth Marchat
  5. Safia McClure
  6. Catheryn Reardon
  7. Dianna Hardy

Thank you again Monica for the nomination and thanks for stopping by to read my Lucky Seven.

4 thoughts on “The Lucky Seven: The Grandfather’s Blades (redux)”

  1. Well, imitation *is* the highest form of flattery, so maybe you should send Suzanne Collins a thank you note.

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